Access. Uncompromised.

The uMR Omega is a world-class, 75 cm, ultra-wide bore 3T MRI with a 60 cm field of view and ultra high homogeneity (0.029 ppm @ 30 DSV typical) for impeccable skin-to-skin fat saturation and consistent image quality. The system includes an industry-leading table weight capacity, powerful 45/200 gradient performance, and a patient calming starlight experience. Advanced uAiFI technology and new applications makes it possible to expand access to MR in your community. 

The spacious environment created by the 75-cm bore of the uMR Omega is accentuated by the calming starlight system. The uMR Omega is built for high-quality imaging and a comfortable patient experience for everyone.

Greater Access for Your Community

Empowered by amazing uAiFI technologies, the uMR Omega can perform complete, high-resolution, exams in under 100 seconds utilizing AI-assisted Compressed Sensing (uAI® ACS).

Faster Exams for Your Patients

With All-In Configurations® and Software Upgrades for Life™️, uMR Omega allows for expansion of your current services now and into the future.

Your Platform for Growth

Founded on Innovation

A Brachial Plexus showing excellent homogeneity and clarity.

Best In-Class Uniform Magnet

Unmatched homogeneity (0.029 ppm @ 30 cm DSV (Typical)), means that you can reliably achieve skin-to-skin fat saturation, while the spacious 60 x 60 x 50 cm field-of-view allows for easy patient positioning.

A diagram of MRI exams performed extremely fast using uAI ACS

AI-Empowered Compressed Sensing (uAI ACS)

uAI ACS is a novel approach to United Compressed Sensing (uCS) which combines uCS and k-space deep learning to allow for unprecedented acquisition speed and image quality. Most multi-contrast exams can be completed in under 100 seconds of active scan time.

uAI DeepRecon

uAI DeepRecon provides an increase in both signal and resolution at the time of scanning or during post reconstruction using a convolutional neural network trained model.

Labels pointing at human anatomy demonstrating the types of scans uAI EasyScan can help with.

1-Click Convenience with uAI EasyScan

uAI EasyScan automatically completes scanning subtasks such as slab placement, orientation, and vertebral labeling for most exam types. uAI EasyScan also allows the flexibility to add, remove, or copy protocols during scanning.

 A child sitting on medical equipment holding a SuperFlex Coil

SuperFlex Coils

Next-generation RF coils with blanket-like feeling and higher RF element density for better patient comfort and image quality.

Innovation that Delivers

Help More Patients per Day

With a multitude of acceleration techniques, such as uCS, uAI ACS, and uAI DeepRecon exam timeslots can be shortened providing greater access to your patients.

Give Your Patients a First-Class Experience

From the beautiful exterior, expansive ultra-wide bore, and fast exam times, uMR Omega offers a first-class patient experience.

Provide Your Radiologists with Consistently Pleasing Images

Best-in-class homogeneity is the corner stone of consistently high image quality which is coupled with powerful gradients, high order shimming, and uAiFI Reconstruction.

Bring Your Technologists Up to Speed Quickly

With the easy to use and learn uExceed software your Technologists will feel at home quickly and they will appreciate the workflow optimization with the one-click scanning of uAI EasyScan. 

Outcome of Innovation

MRI of the Brain with Artificial Intelligence
T2 Brain with uAI DeepRecon
MRI of an Abdomen with a large field of view
60 cm FOV T2W FSE Abdomen
MRI of a prostate with analysis
Prostate – DWI with post QUICK 3D
MRI of a neck T1 weighted
T1W FSE C-Spine
MRI proton density shoulder
PD Shoulder with uAI DeepRecon
Images Courtesy Of United Imaging